Guided by the principles of asset-based development and popular education, ANDARES mobilizes individuals, organizations, and institutions to realize their potential for community change through collaboration and partnership building.

Our Core Programs

  • Collective Action

    We engage with communities to develop leadership capacity, identify needs and assets, and address areas of common interest. We collaborate with partners to engage the Latinx community in programs and policies. In our work we use methods such as photovoice, community asset mapping, digital storytelling, and arts, to facilitate critical reflection and action planning.

  • Connecting Communities

    We facilitate access in the Latinx community to resources, information, and knowledge. This involves developing leadership capacity and connecting communities with agencies and organizations at the county and state levels.

  • Economic Inclusion

    ANDARES works to foster equitable access to economic resources and opportunities in the Oregon Latinx community. To do this our work focuses on removing barriers for economic wellbeing and implementing programs to develop financial skills, micro-enterprise incubation, and community participation in local economic development planning and implementation.

Our Projects